Monday, 6 February 2012

White Jail

Morning All!
I hope you all had a great weekend, sadly back to work for a week now :(
I finally have all my pictures from White Jail so here is the post as promised

So I will just give you a quick run down on what White Jail actually is otherwise you will be sitting there like what the hell am I looking at.  White Jail was created by my belissimi Italian friends and in their own words: "White Jail born to become an ambassador for change, to bring in the city, the avant-garde, of house and techno scene.  Think about a spot where the rules are UNCONVENTIONAL,  a place where the people are HAPPY and they can show their souls without be AFRAID of nothing and no one, the only spot where a JAIL is the best place that you can NEVER find...where the FEELINGS reflect on the walls like sound frequencies and where the MUSIC will never STOP...", so basically it's a fun night out with great music, atmosphere and above all lots of hot Italians ;)... I have a little gallery from my evening spent at White Jail last Saturday, there are a combination of pics (iPhone, Camera) and some professional ones by the very talented photographer Alex Pol

My lovely DJ friends Merko and Fabio have recently joined forces to create SuperDJ ThanksMate so it was great to watch them play
...and of course a night like this always involves chips!

Add White Jail on Facebook to hear about upcoming events

Lots coming your way this week so stay tuned,

Peace and Love



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